The January 2024 Class of 100K Club begins January 15th ... 

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What IS the 100K Club?

100K Club is an elite coaching experience designed specifically with the concierge industry leader in mind.

In it, I draw on my decade+ long experience in the Concierge Industry. 

You get access to my own experience and expertise in building a multiple 6-figure local concierge business serving busy professionals, seniors and companies in my local area.
Since starting my concierge business, I have generated over One Million Dollars in sales helping dozens of families in my community and went from a team of 1 ( me ) to 8 employees in under 5 years.

The BEST part of my success is that in the process of building my business, I raised a family (and still do ), and learned how to set up my business so that I could vacation and step away from the day to day of my business while my company still made money and HELPED others.

In the Mastermind, you learn the proven marketing, money making, and mindset principles needed and used by the top leaders across the industry.

I coach you both on business strategy, so you know what to do, and on mindset, so you do it.

Together, during our time together, we create a strategic plan to balance the front-end and back-end of your business to set you up to grow and scale.
I know exactly how to double your business within the next 12-18 months.

Here's How We Will Grow Your Business This Year:

Expert Coaching

  • ​6 Months of Group Coaching Via Zoom. Get coached live or learn as  you watch your peers get coached. Calls happen 2x a month on Thursdays at 10AM ET.
  • ​Roll up your sleeves up and Get Shit Done! Together! During our monthly "co-working" sessions. Called by our members as one of the "best benefits" that helps keep them accountable, focused, and moving forward.
  • ​Personalized Coaching and Strategy during our Workshops, Masterminding, Coaching Calls, and Group Interactions.
  • ​Together we work and carve out devoted time to marketing, strategy and getting more clients. ( The stuff you never do on your own )

Exclusive Private Community

  • ​Access to a Private Facebook group for daily coaching and support, additional interaction and feedback, and support from your peers
    The private group includes:
  • ​A place for ongoing Q&A and coaching within the group
  • ​Networking opportunities 
  • ​Sharing of industry best practices 
  • ​Support & connection & belonging to a likeminded group of BADASS women

Private Member Portal

  • ​Access to a Private Member Portal which includes:
  • ​Ignite Marketing Trainings. Whether you’re learning how to network, ask for the sale, upping your social game, speaking in front of a group or sponsoring at a booth or table. Everything you need is here for you.
  • ​Recordings of all Calls to revisit and integrate what you're learning 
  • ​Bonus trainings 
  • ​Business support content 
  • ​Resources, systems, short cuts, frequently used documents, money making emails to use, worksheets and workbooks to support coursework content and your personal growth

ADDED Bonuses Only For This Enrollment ...

Total Program Value = $60,000

100K 2 Day Kick Off Strategic Planning Event

  • Live Workshop where we map out your 3 year Vision and Plan. Creating your core focus + timeline to meet your money, reach and impact goals. Plus "hot seat" coaching for every member. Leave with your plan of exactly HOW you will execute doubling your business over the next 12-18 months. January 2024 ( $10K Value)

FREE Ticket to our NEXT In Person Event
 ( Date TBD )

  • Be the FIRST to know and get a FREE ticket to attend our next "In person" event. 
  • ​Dates and Details TBD 2024.

Systems for Your Business

  • Access to Kelly’s marketing, selling, billing, hiring, onboarding, business SOPs. Save yourself YEARS trying to create your own processes from scratch.  ($20K Value)

Ignite Marketing Program

  • You'll start the Ignite Marketing + Business Process with your own 6-Week Profit Process. Focus here to make your money back right away.

Investment $4,000

NEW: 6 Pay Payment Plan Added

Lock in YOUR Spot Today
We Kick off the Next round January 2024.
Creating a 100K Business within the next 2 years begins right here, right now. 

Contact Information

Billing Information

Payment Information

Item Price
2 Payments of $2,000
3 Payments of $1,400
6 payments of $700

I agree to the Terms & Conditions.

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