Enrollment extended until Oct 1st 5PM East Coast

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ONLY Available for This Open Enrollment Period!

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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

The biggest thing I’ve learned in 14 years of business is this:

The success of your business is directly tied to the strength and consistency of your marketing.

Fully Booked Business Club is where you become Masterful at Marketing!

It's one thing to decide to START a business...

...it’s another thing entirely to have a reliable way to keep clients coming in the door.

When most of us start a business, we over-complicate, overthink, and overwhelm ourselves. We end up in a cycle of trying to do too many things –get very little results, then doing nothing

The majority of businesses NEVER reach $50k annually because of this cycle. 

So... what’s the biggest thing keeping you from those paying clients? 

If you’re like most of my students, it’s the lack of clarity and confidence around marketing, and fear around “selling” themselves and their services. 

It's one thing to decide to START a business...

...it’s another thing entirely to have a reliable way to keep clients coming in the door.

When most of us start a business, we over-complicate, overthink, and overwhelm ourselves. We end up in a cycle of trying to do too many things –get very little results, then do nothing. Or you change your niche or the services you're offering, thinking that will fix everything. ( It doesn't )

The majority of businesses NEVER reach $50k annually because of this cycle. 

So... what’s the biggest thing keeping you from those paying clients? 

If you’re like most of my students, it’s the lack of clarity and confidence around marketing, and fear around “selling” themselves and their services

And if you're like the HUNDREDS of other "concierges" in the industry I've worked with, you might be thinking ….

  • Marketing is HARD!
  • I'm super confused about what to do 
  • "I've done everything" and nothing is working 
  • I've been networking but it's not working.
  • I'm tired of spending countless hours and tons of money on ads, sponsorships, and vendor shows with no return.

If this is you, I totally get it! 

Kelly Schaefer Has Been Featured In ...

Hi, I'm Kelly Schaefer.
Before I was a business owner, I was a nurse and worked in healthcare for 21 years!

When I started my business, I googled "how to start a business" and tried to follow all the FREE information I could find...

I read that I should "go networking" - so I spent a lot of time at networking events that didn't pan out. Meeting a bunch of people who wouldn't hire me.
I read that I needed a specific computer program - so I took a course at the community college.  Biggest waste of time and money EVER!  That "database" course had nothing to do with me "getting clients".

So, I decided to stop trying to get my "business knowledge" from free online articles, and I started paying for knowledge! I took everything I was learning,  went out and tested and tried ALLLL OF IT! 

Lots of stuff just didn't work for my concierge business. But I found things that DID work - and those are the things I'm going to show you how to do.
Introducing the
The Fully Booked Business Club™
Fully Booked by Kelly Schaefer is an easy-to-follow proven marketing system for local "helper" businesses who are struggling to find clients and make money consistently in this heavily digitalized and online world. 
The best decision I have made in my business was to join Fully Booked Business Club. Kelly helps you to really dig deep and make the right decisions for you and your business. I look forward to our weekly calls where you are coached, get support and ask questions. Don't wait to sign up!
Michelle Casteleiro
 On My Way Concierge
“Make an investment in YOU, make an investment in your BUSINESS! Take the next step!”
“I’ve been “working” on my business since 2015 and had not launched!  As someone who also works full time, I had less time to put into it.

I started watching (more like stalking) Ms. Kelly for a year .

I felt like I knew all the pieces needed but didn’t know how to work with them. I consider myself pretty savvy, and yet I felt lost. 

I decided to invest in myself and my business, and joined Fully Booked Business Club. I have not regretted it for a minute. 

Fully Booked guides you through every important step to get started and to grow. 

This program will give you everything you need for starting a business and it teaches you how to grow it. 
Evelyn Rodriguez
Senior Concierge 
Essential Supportive Care
"I'M Offically Fully Booked"
I am officially fully booked and in the process of hiring my first helper - In less than a year!! Being in Fully Booked Business Club has helped keep me accountable to show up and meet my networking goals. This group has been so supportive and a safe place to ask questions and get answers from real life experiences. I can't say enough positive things about my experience.  
Katie Romant
KR Concierge Services
"Experience is priceless"
The thing I love the most about being in this group, is the shared knowledge and experience of each individual. Knowledge is powerful, experience is priceless!

Don Lancaster
Current FBBC Member
I’ve helped HUNDREDS of women and some really cool guys, sign their first clients, identify their services, get clearer on their niche, get consistent referrals, 
and finally make money as a Concierge.

I’ve found the SIMPLEST way to do it.

In Fully Booked Business Club, we remove everything from your to-do list except the most basic + important steps.

The ones you experience the MOST drama + confusion about are often:
  •  Your niche.
  • ​Your services.
  • ​Your pricing.
  • ​Your marketing.
We help you market your services efficiently + do the things that help you make money the fastest.

This is the Step by Step Process I've Used to Make Over a Million Dollars...
...Organizing Closets, Running Errands and Helping Seniors in My Own Local Community!
The Details
When you sign up for Fully Booked Business Club, you’ll receive immediate access to the complete online course. No waiting for modules to unlock. Binge watch the whole course or take it one step at a time – it’s up to you. You can take it in 30 days or less. If you need more time - that's OK too!

Once you’re in the program, you have an entire year to focus on growing your business, getting clear on your niche and services, learning how to "market" to get clients ( quickly ) and having my support and the support of the GROUP - you become one of us.

 You get one FULL YEAR of membership!
Networking Made Easy
This is the core foundation of any LOCAL business, but it’s often overlooked OR done incorrectly. In this training, you’ll learn how, when, how often, and why to network. Stop wasting your time doing networking wrong.
  • Clear Understanding on what your networking strategy should look like.
  • Your very OWN yearlong networking roadmap. 
  • Identify and be able to AVOID the mistakes that 90% of people make when “networking.” 
  • How to find the RIGHT networking opportunities for you. 
How to “Keep in Touch” 
Keeping in touch is THE thing 80% of business owners get WRONG! In this training, I’ll show you exactly HOW to “keep in touch” but not just once or twice. Did you know in today’s market that it takes 7-12 ( or more ) times to follow up with a prospect??
  • Our Do's and Don't of follow up checklist.
  • A clearer understanding of HOW to keep in touch for weeks, months, and even years! 
  • A checklist of EASY, LOW to NO cost follow up strategies that have landed us multi-thousand-dollar clients. 
  • ​The SIMPLEST follow up strategy I have used for years that has resulted in MOST of our "new clients."
Organic Referrals
Referrals are the lifeblood of any local business, but most people expect referrals to “just happen.” In this training, I’ll show you how to be “proactive” about receiving referrals by putting your own referral system into place.
  • The answers to why you are NOT getting the number of referrals you want. 
  • A swipe file of email templates to use to ask for your OWN referrals. 
  • The ONE thing people do WRONG after they GET a referral that doesn’t pan out. And how this ONE thing will INCREASE the referrals you receive.  
  • How to build your own FREE sales force of people who are LOOKING to GIVE you referrals! 
Websites that Work 
Just because you have a website does NOT mean anyone will find you. AND even when people “find you,” many leave your site without ever calling. Lost sales die on crappy websites every day. In this training, I’ll show you the SMALL changes you can QUICKLY make to get your PHONE ringing more often!
  • A 12 Step Website checklist that every website “needs” to have if they want more sales! 
  • Knowing the TOP 2 MISTAKES most people make with their website copy and how to fix it.
  • How to save yourself thousands of dollars paying for SEO. (That’s fancy speak for search engine optimization) 
  • A list of resources and the BEST places to get your website images. 
Speaking for Dollars
The greatest thing you can learn to do is get OVER your fear of speaking in front of others. In this training, I’ll show you how I went from puking into a trashcan 5 minutes before I talked to a group of about 40 local business owners to be able to speak for dollars! This means I’ll show you how to turn those 10 – 15- and 45-minute speaking opportunities into sales! (Oh – And I never actually got over my fear of public speaking! hehe)
  • A super simple framework for finding speaking opportunities in your own area.
  • How to plan your FIRST or Next speaking gig. 
  • How your speaking “gig” can happen in your own home and why that’s a GREAT place to start. 
  • The single most important thing you need to DO to turn your speaking into $$. 
How to Use Social Media to Sell FOR You 
We have been told that we NEED to do social media. But when you own a local business, especially one in the concierge industry, it needs to be done in a “certain way.” In this training, you’ll learn HOW to use “the socials” and how to avoid the time suck that it is.
  • A clear understanding of WHY most social media falls flat and how yours WON'T.
  • A simple framework for what to post. 
  • A swipe file full of our TOP “engaged” posts.
  • A strategic way to USE social media to attract buyers.
Struggling with how to price your services? In this training I break down how to price your services by the hour, in packages and custom project pricing. We'll conquer allll your pricing fears and have you showing up with confidence instead! 

  • Clearly defined policies in your business around pricing, billing and cancellations.
  • Your pricing one sheet, so that you're never confused about how to sell your services.
  • A simple billing process that doesn't require any special "software".
  • Clear guidelines on how to price for your specific business model and services.
Senior Concierge Business
There is a segment of our community who have a strong inner desire to help our AGING POPULATION. To help you do this in the easiest way possible, I've curated a marketing module JUST FOR those working with seniors.  In this training I break down how to market, who you need to market to, and how to find referral partners SPECIFIC to the clients you hep and the services you offer.
  • A clear understanding of WHO you help, and the specific senior related services you'll be offering in your business and how to get the proper insurance.
  • A step by step marketing plan specific for senior concierge business.
  • A swipe file full of our TOP REFERRAL letters we've used to get referrals that you can swipe and use.
  • Bonus Workshop: 4 Things to Consider Working with Dementia
Email Marketing
  • The best email marketing strategy for concierges that creates clients.
  • A swipe file full of our TOP “effective” emails that create $$ on demand.
  • A strategic way to STAY in touch with prospects and referral partners.

Is Fully Booked Right For You?

The Fully Booked Program and Business Club is for individuals in the concierge, organizing or other "helper" businesses who are ready to START and GROW their businesses.
Whether you are just starting or already have a business, I've created every video training and worksheet to take the COMPLEXITY OUT of your marketing, so that you can move forward with CONFIDENCE and GROW your business!! This is why my students are the best paid, most well known "Rockstars" in the industry!
Growing your business is WORK. And this program isn't for everyone.

Fully Booked is a Good Fit For You If You Want To...

  • Have a step-by-step process to grow your business 
  • Do the work and follow the process 
  • Stop staring at your computer screen each day “trying” to figure out what you should do “today”
  • ​Get over your self-doubt and confusion to be super clear about your path ahead 

Weekly LIVE Coaching and Q&A

Whether you’re getting coached personally or learning from the coaching of others, group coaching is vital in changing belief systems and increasing your ability to market and sell. We coach on marketing, consultations, pricing, niches, getting your first client, making your first $1k or your next $10k. These calls are packed with value and allow you to connect to a community of others on the exact same path as you. Join LIVE for each call, watch the replay in our member portal, or listen to dozens of past coaching calls. 

Our Amazing Facebook Community

When you join Fully Booked, you become one of us. We have one of the most positive, supportive, and loving communities in all the land, full of other women who are building their businesses just like you. We are here for you – for support, advice, celebration, and friendship. We got you!


The Fully Booked Course Workbook. Once you've completed this workbook, you will have applied the entire system t0 your business. You will have learned how to market your services (no matter what niche or where you live).

"Kelly, before your Pricing Workshop, I was over complicating things! But thanks to you and the Pricing Workshop, you showed me how to break it down. Now I have all of my packages and membership pricing figured out and I feel so much more confident going forward! Thank you ❤️" -Vicki R

Pricing Your Services Workshop November 12th

Included will be :
Pricing for Senior Concierges
Pricing for Organizing Services
Setting Hourly Pricing
When and How to Offer Packages
And have what you need to create a retainer (membership) model into your business for when you're ready. 

Join us for a LIVE Half Day Marketing Bootcamp Event

Thursday July 25th 10AM to 2PM

BONUS Marketing Audit with Kelly!

Wish I could give you direct feedback on your referral campaigns, social posts or website? 
In this bonus workshop that’s EXACTLY what we’re gonna do! 
A full workshop doing marketing audits and all our FBBC members get to submit something for me to audit to participate! 

Monthly Masterclass

Once a month we'll cover a new marketing and sales topic. These masterclasses will keep you focused, on track and moving forward in your business. Some topics are: marketing plans, using social media, getting people to fall in love with you, using email to sell ( that isn't gross and spammy ) and other things that are PROVEN to help you make money consistently.

Holiday Marketing Workshop

During the holiday marketing workshop, I’ll teach you the ONE thing that will bring new clients in your door before the end of the year, how to market yourself during the holidays (I have a secret process for how to do this). I’ll even share with you how I get paid thousands of dollars each holiday season just to "wrap gifts".  

The Results You'll Create = More Clients & More Money in LESS time

"Without Kelly and FBBC, I would still be in front of my computer thinking I am not ready."
“When I started working with Kelly, my business had just opened 2 months earlier, doing virtual assistant services, I didn’t have clients yet. Since joining FBBC, I've learned: How to be more confident when speaking about my business and services. I got my pricing locked down. Got clear on my niche and services. Learned how to market my services.
As a result, I have had 7 clients and earned over $6,800 in the last 6 months. Without Kelly and FBBC, I would still be in front of my computer doing more research. “
 Heather Hachey
The Lifestyle Genie
Kelly shares SO much information, experience and practical examples of what works and why!
For me, learning the WHY behind the steps toward growth is particularly critical and Kelly always provides the important WHY.
One & Done Concierge Services
“Fully Booked is an incredible step by step program that is showing me the way to do marketing right!"
"Before I started Fully Booked.. I knew I needed help getting my business operating consistently. I knew I needed to do better at marketing, but I really didn't know how. I was just throwing things at my market in hopes something would stick!
The biggest bonus for me is that Kelly has it all figured out and I don't have to spend months researching how to market a concierge service correctly. I'm sticking with Kelly! Thank you! (I mean this Sincerely!!)"
Butler Concierge Services

Bonus Courses & Content

Plus Event More...

Bonus Module: How to set up a STRONG business foundation 
All those “startup” questions get answered here! Business name, business cards, how to “show up” and so much more. 
Bonus Module: How to figure out your “ideal client” for the LAST time! 
Stop getting tripped up over “who an ideal client” is. In this module, I’ll show you exactly HOW to figure this part of your business out. Or update it if you’ve been working with clients that are DRAINING you.
Bonus Module: The Intake Process that turns 1x clients into Repeat buyers 
We all want “repeat” business, right? So why do so many people ( especially those in the concierge industry ) get this part wrong? I’ll show you what you NEED to be DOING to turn 1-timers into a long lasting relationship. 
Bonus Module: Talk to the Insurance Professionals
Watch our Lunch and Learn with our Insurance professionals with access to them for all your insurance needs
Templates, Swipe Files and workbooks to support your learning and take all the “guess work” out of your marketing.

One Year of Membership, Live Coaching, Support, Strategy, Swipe Files, Short Cuts and Marketing all Proven to Get You Fully Booked

Valued at over $20,000

You can enroll now:

Join us NOW for in the Fully Booked Business Club TODAY!! 
When you join NOW, you have access lifetime access to program materials!
But here's the catch… I'm only offering this Special Price for a VERY limited time - and then it's gone FOREVER!
PLUS, when you join now and become an official member of the Fully Booked Business Club! You'll receive monthly calls with Kelly for 6-months. 
If that's NOT enough to say YES to YOUR dreams... I don't know what is!
6 Fully Booked Marketing Modules (Valued at $4997)
Live Q&A Call 2x/month 
(Valued at $4997)
Bonus Module: How to set up a STRONG business foundation (Valued at $297

Monthly Masterclasses 
(Valued at $4997)

Bonus Module: Sales Training Made Easy! (Valued at $2997)
Bonus Module: Pricing Basics – How to Charge What You're Worth (Valued at $2997)

Facebook Community: 24/7 Access
“Something that makes Kelly’s coaching truly special is that it works for both new business owners and those who have already managed a concierge business for a few years”
When I started in the Concierge Academy two years ago, I had very little knowledge about Marketing and I had pretty much no clients, other than those who come and go once in a while. 
Thanks to her consistent teachings and encouragement, I’m now able to help now numerous clients in a current basis and to implement Marketing techniques like I never did before. 
Even more! The results have even given me the opportunity to partner with companies who are providing me with clients throughout the year. Who doesn’t like that?
Naima Blasco
Boutique Concierge
"This course is educational, enjoyable and productive."
Kelly and the FBBC has been an incredible asset to the growth of my senior care business, particularly in the areas of networking and marketing, as well as all aspects of business development.
This course is educational, enjoyable and productive. Kelly injects humor and enthusiasm into our discussions and encourages us to push past our limits and strive for success. I'm so glad I decided to join! 
Jenn Desmond
Harmony At Home, LLC
“I'm fully confident and know I am worthy of having a successful, thriving business.”
Before I worked with Kelly, I felt insecure about the legitimacy of my business & "out of sorts" by not knowing what steps to take.
After I felt confident, knowledgeable, excited and part of a community to help me move forward! 
Stacey Gatlin
Victory Concierge
“There is no other place to go than the Concierge Academy if you want to grow a successful, Personal Concierge business.”
The lessons taught here are tried and true and if put into practice consistently, will have you well on your way to running a successful business. 
Thank you so much Kelly, for everything you've taught me thus far. You are the model to follow if you want to know what success looks like.
William Bauman
We Got This, LLC
“The Program was chock full of practical strategies and actions you can take immediately - even in a Covid world!”
I'm just starting my business and Kelly's content helped me to focus on what matters most to get my biz off the ground and how to keep the momentum going. Don't do this alone... join a Concierge Academy's program.
Lynn C
Fox Den Concierge
“After finally deciding to invest in Kelly's genius mind and materials I have come so far... WITHOUT her I would still be at step 1.”
Before working with Kelly, I was overwhelmed and did not know where to begin with my business. I was all over the place and just spinning my wheels. After finally deciding to invest in Kelly's genius mind and materials I have come so far...created all of my materials for my business, learned how to market myself, built my pricing model, gained so much knowledge to move forward. Without her I would still be at step 1. So grateful for Kelly and everything I have learned from her!
Shanna Marples

Here's the TRUTH, my friend!

When we started our businesses, we had big dreams. We expected to "open our doors", and have the clients just "show up".
Maybe you're trying to get clients, and need a "flexible" schedule - maybe even building your business between 10 - 2 while the kids are in school... ( That's what I had to do )

You are not alone.

You're not "bad at business", you just don't know what to do ( that works ). 

You do NOT have to spend hours, weeks and months "trying to figure it out" like I did.

Making 50K took me 3 years of falling on my face.
My students are making 20-50K in their FIRST year in business.

This is what's possible for you too 💜

If you're not joining NOW: Why not?
Why would you wait when everything you need - is RIGHT HERE waiting or you.

See what a few of our Current Members has to say:

“FBBC has transformed my approach"

FBBC has truly transformed my approach, pushing me beyond my comfort zone and instilling the confidence and strategic thinking needed to thrive as a business owner. Her high energy and easy to understand coaching style has been invaluable to me!

-Tasha P.

Current FBBC Member

“Being a part of FBBC Keeps me on track"

Being a part of FBBC is great - keeps me on track, gives me a blueprint, and lets me hear from others who are trying to grow a business. We all get busy or blue sometimes, so I think it's important to have a group to help refocus and keep us moving forward.


Current FBBC Member


I love being part of the Fully Booked program because I am part of a group of people doing the same thing I'm doing. I need the direction, especially being a 1st time business owner, and Kelly has so much experience in this field! I feel so lucky that I found her and I'm gaining confidence with every live call that I join! The value that I'm getting from this program is FAR more than the actual cost of the program...


Current FBBC Member

Join them inside of Fully Booked Business Club Today!

Frequently Asked Questions 

 How long does the program last? 

When you enroll into Fully Booked Business Club you have 1 year’s access ( 12 months ) to the “LIVE” coaching calls, live trainings, facebook community, and to get individualized support.

You have access to the online “course” and your LIVE coaching for 1 FULL Year.

Some of our clients approach the program with an “all in” approach and commit to every call and every resource.

Some of our clients have jobs, family obligations or current clients they are working with. If that’s you, decide how you’re going to use the live calls, program and resources to best benefit you.

There is no “one way fits all” and you get to create your own unique experience.

 Do you take “International Students”? 

Yes! Of course! We have clients from all over. Small towns, big cities, other countries. 

  What type of business is this for? 

This core program was created with the “offline” business owner in mind. ( think: personal concierge, senior services, lifestyle managers, organizers, realtors, landscapers, etc. However, I have coached other types of businesses and industries throughout the years who’ve created great success. Bottom line is if you aren’t making money with your business, the tools inside this program will help.

  How much time does it take? 

You get to go at your own pace, so how much time it takes you, is totally up to you.

While building a business we will always have “life” happening simultaneously.

Come in with the thought that you will choose to implement consistently what you learn ( whatever pace you choose ) and you will succeed.
Ideally you want to carve out 2-3 hrs a week. Our most successful students make this a habit! 

  Are the LIVE calls recorded? 

Yes. All live calls are recorded and available inside the membership portal. Some of our most successful clients have attended every call live. AND some of our most successful students have simply carved out the time to watch the replays and implemented everything they learned. 

  How much support do I get? 

We have built this program to give you everything you need to get fully booked in your business.
You have access to:

• Core FBBC Program materials
• Additional classes taught live may be offered.
Live coaching WEEKLY on Thursdays where you can request support and coaching
Unlimited support to ask questions from me and your peers within the FBBC Facebook community.

 Do you offer payment plans? 

Yes. We currently offer 4 payment plans. 

• 1 Payment of $2000 in full ( When you choose THIS option you also get the $497 Contract Bundle as a Bonus )
• 2 Payments of $1000
• 3 monthly payments of $700 
• 4 monthly payments of $550
• 12 monthly payments of $200 (ONLY DURING SEPTEMBER 2024 ENROLLMENT)

  What happens after I join? 

When you join, you get immediate access to the member portal and Facebook community.

You are able to see the entire course, all workbooks and bonuses, as well as the schedule (and past recordings) for your live group coaching calls.

When you join, there are “Start Here” videos that explain the program, how to succeed in it, and how to make your money back. I recommend you start with those videos first.

  What do you cover inside THIS program? 

What is covered in this program is organic marketing and how to get clients. You’ll learn how to talk about what you do, how to charge for your services, how to get paying clients and what to do when the phone rings.

You’ll have the opportunity to become an expert in growing your business through: networking ( talking about your business to people ) , asking for referrals, using social media ( if you choose to ), making your website “effective” ( if you choose to build one but not 100% necessary until after you get a few clients under your belt ), speaking ( Simply put, you learn how to talk about what you do to more than 1 person at a time 😊 )

  What if I need help with hiring team, scaling my business, scheduling, payroll, building systems, CRMs, profit planning and stepping into my leadership/CEO role ? 

If that is you, this is NOT the program for you. You have already established yourself and are making money, which means you know how to talk to people about what you do, and how to get paying clients. These are higher level concepts and strategies we cover, plan and work though in 100K Club. 100K Club opens for enrollment 2x a year. Our next enrollment happens in Fall of 2024. If you want more details about how to apply, email us at Support@TheConciergeAcademy.Com 

Enroll Below and Start Right Away!

Contact Information

Billing Information

Payment Information

Item Price
2 payments of $1,000
3 payments of $700
4 payments of $550
I agree to the Terms & Conditions. 
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